Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm the map! (Post SONA review)

Its not that I want to be considered as one who knows better, no, its just that I have watched and known of others idea regarding PNoy's State of the Nation Address. Some says that it lacked what a second SONA should possess, they said its the map. Do I hear someone singing Dora's map song, 

I have this video for everyone to have a serious look into ones need for the map. I have the lyrics so we could take a closer look to our journey:

If there's a place you got to go
I'm the one you need to know
I'm the Map
I'm the Map
I'm the Map
If there's a place you got to get
I can get you there I bet
I'm the Map (12 times)

The last line with 12 times repetition, "I'm the map" somehow irritates me. But seriously, one's knowledge of the path to take makes the journey not just worthwhile but also wonderful.  Thus, ones knowledge of the map makes one a 'Henyo'.

My amazement as to why people insist on finding out the presidents map lead me to a more serious consideration of the song. Yes, we need to know where the president is leading this country, so that we may have our personal goal and visions inline with  it. 

I remember the Philippine Bible Society's past theme for one of its celebration of the National Bible Week. The Bible as the manual to life. Map is our manual as to where we would go and every individual should have a knowledge of this manual which is God's Word. It never and will never fail. God's Word never change. And for us to have a very good finish, let us learn from the One who created us and the manual He prepared for us.

The president should also know that the Bible as a manual for this nations journey would be a very good basis for the "Tuwid na Landas".